Video length



I was wondering if there is a recommended video length? I currently have one that is 39 seconds (I might make it longer), and it is giving me a lot of problems on edit mode: playback stops, it freezes at the beginning sometimes, I have to re-start Cenario constantly to make it work after fiddling with the video a bit.

(I followed compression rules for CenarioVR to the T).

Discussion (5)

39 seconds is actually a pretty short video, we use many longer videos than that. Perhaps its bitrate? Too high of a bitrate can cause buffering while streaming.

Did you try Handbrake with the CenarioVR presets?

OK, apparently I can't upload an epr file....

You can get it here:


OK, thats an excellent question!

I didn't have one, so I created it, its attached to the post.

Only a few things of note, I set a reasonable bit rate, and set the video size to 4K resolution, as some of the cameras are now saving MP4 files to 5.7 K resolution (like the Insta 360 One X) Any MP4 over 4K won't load in Chrome or Firefox, they have a hard limit of 4K resolution for MP4 files.

... what is the recommended preset when exporting from Premiere or Media Encoder?

Thank you John for this Premiere preset. I'll be checking this out next export.

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