Layering issue
January 30, 2019 12:00 AM
I have a hotspot using a custom button image that does not want to go on top of another semi transparent PNG element. I tried moving it up and down the hierarchy in the scene, checked the transparency and made sure its 100%, but its not cooperating. It is working fine in other situations with other elements that are actually the same but just different color.
I'm wondering if I encountered some weird display bug. if I hide and UN-hide the elements in a certain order it will display correctly but only in editing mode. Once I test the course, the button is again where it shouldn't be. It happens sporadically, but this is about the 3rd time I have this issue...

Discussion (3)
The image that you are showing shows things in the correct order. As things are added, they are added to the bottom of the list in the left hand pane, so the lower in the list, the higher in the Z-order
Just try switching them.
I tried switching them. Didn't work.
Want to make sure the answer to this is posted, the issue was found and fixed. It had to do with using show actions on the objects after they were hidden in a certain order.
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