Control scoring


I have a course that allows you to choose questions in no particular order.

I have a total of 8 questions (each worth 10 points) in which you get no second chances, if you get 6 questions correct I want to set it to take you to a scene that tells you you passed, shows you your final score and gives you a button to finish the course.

How can I tell Cenario VR to take you to that pass scene once you reached those 60 points? (since the course is not really linear)

Discussion (4)

For the action on each correct answer, use "Add to Score" - 10 points. Then add another action, Link (to scene you want to go to) and set as its condition "if Score is greater than 60".

Should do it.


I suppose you could add a link to the failed scene in that has multiple conditions that check if each question has been answered and score is less than a certain amount.

That worked great. Thanks!!!

Now... I have a failed course screen. This one is trickier because Cenario should only send you to the fail screen if there is no way you can get a score of at least 60. Basically Cenario needs to know you ran out of chances to get more points (every time you answer a question, I remove access to the scene where the question lives), and send you to the fail screen because of that.

Can't figure that one out either...



I did something similar where I added a rule that you had to visit each scene where the question lives and the have a failing score to send you to the Fail scene. This is very tedious and time consuming though. I have a total of eight questions each with 3 wrong answers, and I have to give 8 condition statements then having to scroll to find the object to assign to each wrong answer manually, one by one.

There has to be a better way to do this. :(

I wish that I could add a rule that stated:

Link to: "Scene X", IF: "All question cards have been answered", AND: "scenario score is NOT passing." (and be able to save this rule as a template and just paste it into each wrong answer all at once).

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