Vertical Scrollbar won';t go away
September 2, 2016 12:00 AM
Hi folks,
Our dept has been preparing to move to Lectora v16 and we've built a template for our team to leverage. It looks great when published to web. However, when we put it on the LMS a vertical scrollbar appears and we can't seem to get rid of it. See attached screenshot. We use SumTotal for our LMS.
The page size is set to 1000 x 700.
We've tried adding some css on the html, body and even the frame with no effect.
frame, html, body {
we've resized the window slightly larger, and the vertical scrollbar just gets longer.
It appears the scrollbar is appear at the frame level rather that the page level itself.
Unfortunately, its the only thing preventing us from launching our new template and moving to Lectora v16
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Discussion (5)
I know what you are talking about.
I end up having to make the screen on the LMS larger than the Lectora page size. You might start at 1024 x 768. That may take care of the scroll bar. If not, play with the dimensions until the scroll bars are gone and there isn't a huge amount of white space around the course.
Hi Vicki, Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I've tried increasing the window size just in the LMS. When I increased the window size through the LMS to say 1000 x 768, I just get a bigger window with a longer scrollbar. See image attached.

Hi Wendy,
I just tried it on Scorm Cloud and no scrollbar. So it must be the LMS! but I have already tried adjusting the dimensions of the window in the LMS and the scrollbar appears. Ugh, I'm at a total loss.
Have you run titles built with older versions of Lectora on your LMS before without this issue occuring? You said your team is preparing to move to v16, but you did not say if it was from an older version of Lectora or from a different authoring tool. If the case is that you're moving from an older version of Lectora to v16, and this is the first time you've seen this occur in SumTotal, and only with Lectora v16 titles, I would recommend submitting a support ticket. If the Lectora development team gets ahold of this issue, there may be something they can do about it in a future release.
For now, I would take Vicki's advice and just play with the window size in the LMS to see if you can get the scroll bar to eventually go away. Wish I could give more help than that.
Hi TRog,
Have you tried publishing the title to SCORM Cloud and/or Reviewlink? If so, does the issue still occur when running in either of those? If not, then there likely isn't anything you could do about it within the Lectora course itself. Something would have to be adjusted in SumTotal. I'm not terribly familiar with SumTotal, but I know that in CourseMill you can adjust the size of the page that the course launches in. You already said that you "resized the window slightly larger", but I'm not sure if you're referring to the Lectora page size or the SumTotal window/frame size.
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