Question pages not working in preview a

Just curious if anyone has encountered this issue before.

When I have a test with 'Grade the test.' checked my test pages do not render with Preview in Browser nor do they publish and work. The pages do all work in Preview in Lectora and Debug modes.

Looking at the IE debugger, it says Unable to get property 'normalize' of undefined or null reference from the trivantis-titlemgr.js

However, when I have that test property unchecked, the pages render fully both as a preview in browser and as published pages.

Would anyone know why that's happening? Working with Lectora v11



Discussion (1)

Is your test randomized? I know that with v16, if you randomize a test, the option to use the java script title manager is force-selected. You may also need to publish in order to check for certain, as with my courses, there are some things I cannot test due to jquery or javascript used on some pages.

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