
Since the undo capability of CVR is very limited (one step, only works sometimes, and oddly has no GUI trigger-you have to use ^Z), it would be great if CVR had versioning, allowing us developers to revert to, say, one hour ago's version, 2 hours, yesterday's, and then as of all previous days we edited. This would presumably use diffs on the server rather than saving complete copies each time, but I leave that to your backend devs.

Discussion (4)

There is a GUI element for it, its the context menu in the editor view itself, just right click on the open area of the editor

I'm old school. If it isn't in the main (dropdown) menu, it doesn't exist. Option menus (right click) are a shortcut to features that must and shall always be in the main menu as primary.

I'm aware that nobody follows interface standards any more, but I'm still someone who was trained on and is very used to them.

There is a GUI element for it, its the context menu in the editor view itself, just right click on the open area of the editor

Agreed! CenarioVR needs some form of version/rollback safety net.

I've lost count of the times I've moved something by accident or deleted something only to find I needed it back. A history panel like Photoshop would be most useful.