Stop playing all audio

So ... I have a scene with multiple audio clips that play depending on where the student clicks. If she starts clip 3, I want to stop clips 1, 2, 4, and 5 so we don't get overlapping audio. As CVR is currently constituted, the only way to do that is to have separate Stop actions for every audio clip in the scene ... and separately attach these actions to every hotspot that plays audio. If I add a sixth audio clip later, I have to go back and edit the actions for every hotspot.

Shouldn't there be a "stop all" action? Hmmm ... if I group audio items into a Group, can I stop the group? Let me see if that works.

Nope, can't group audio objects. Too bad, I felt so clever. :)

Discussion (5)

The same goes for stop all videos and also things like close all open (visible) objects.

@hvaughan-2540, I'm not sure "closing" all open objects is a well-defined concept, but I totally agree about video.

@hvaughan-2540, I'm not sure "closing" all open objects is a well-defined concept, but I totally agree about video.

Thinking about it ... assuming ELB doesn't want to implement a full object-orientation system (and I would bet that they don't), how about tagging items, literally assigning keyword tags to them, so an action could say "Hide all objects tagged with 'intro'"?

Make a group of 5 actions, each one stopping one of your audio files then add an action to you first button/trigger (Run Action Group) that will run your new action group. Copy and paste this action to each of your buttons (making sure it is the first action triggered (top of the list)). Then add your play audio action to each button (below the run action group action)

Make a group of 5 actions, each one stopping one of your audio files then add an action to you first button/trigger (Run Action Group) that will run your new action group. Copy and paste this action to each of your buttons (making sure it is the first action triggered (top of the list)). Then add your play audio action to each button (below the run action group action)

Are you perhaps thinking of Lectora?