Snap to ...

So, I inserted a CenarioVR scenario into a Lectora file. CVR gives a specific size to its objects (1060 pixels wide). I had to manually change the size of the page to be the same, trying to avoid a useless whitespace border around it.

In general, maybe Lectora would benefit from the "snap to" function so many other modern programs have, e. g. I could drag the corner of the page (which I currently can't do) to "snap" to the left and right borders of the inserted object. Snapping objects to each other's edges would often be very convenient. Dragging to resize, and also dragging to reposition, are now amazingly simple in PowerPoint--you might want to be inspired by that functionality. (Note: I'm on V19. If this is already in 20 or 21, then that's great and sorry to take up space.)