Selective Process question
May 28, 2024 11:28 AM
Hi, I don't know if the subject encompasses the question, but I hope someone understands what I'm going for.
So, when I use an action to process a question, in this case a drag and drop question, let's say 2 of 3 placed items are correct and one is wrong. I want only the wrong one to be "reset" so that the user doesn't have to do it all over again, only find the 3rd right one.
Is it clear, and is it possible?
Thanks in advance!
The answer with Lectora is always yes, it's possible.
My initial thought would be to check the Question Variable for the correct pairings, if there is one then add it to a new variable. Then at the end use Change Contents to set the Question Variable to the new variable that only has the correct answers set.
Discussion (3)
The answer with Lectora is always yes, it's possible.
My initial thought would be to check the Question Variable for the correct pairings, if there is one then add it to a new variable. Then at the end use Change Contents to set the Question Variable to the new variable that only has the correct answers set.
Many thanks for putting in the effort; I really appreciate it. I assume you made the video just to explain it to me, so please don't delete it just yet. I'm going to try it out in a few days.
I will leave it as a reference for everyone! Thanks for asking the question.