SCORM Interactions - Report Question Text
December 4, 2008 12:00 AM
Brian,If you entered the following as a test question distractor when building the question, Lectora would send all of it:the hypotenuse of the square root of an isoceles mainframe is compounded by the fuel pressure in the manifoldSo, to shorten things we just use one character that corresponds to that answer in the answer key, like D. Sending all of the text above is problematic because you can quickly overrun your suspend data bucket, which for SCORM 1.2 is 4096 characters. On smaller tests it isn't a problem, depending on the question type. Multiple choice, multiple answer types are the worst offenders, as they will pass all of the text for each selected distractor. So no, using the data economy method I've outlined, you won't see the full text of the answer distractor when you go with a single character. A worthy compromise, IMHO.
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