508 Accessibility Review Service
March 9, 2020 12:00 AM
Hello everyone. I've built a series of RCD courses with a focus on 508 accessibility. I've attempted to follow all the best practices and rules, but a customer who regularly uses a screen reader said the experience fell short of expectations.
Has anyone used a service, or know of a 508 expert, that I might engage with to review my course? I'd like to partner with someone to provide feedback on what to change to create a smoother accessible experience and better defend our application of 508 rules in our design.
The arrangement could be review only, or if they are also a Lectora developer, I wouldn't be shy about sharing my AWT file for review and recommendation.
Discussion (3)
Hey Brian,
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer, but I am interested in what fell short of expectations. I am also working through putting together some 508 compliant courses and would be interested to hear about the feedback.
The learner (visually impaired) was able to move through multiple pages (dashboard, information, video, key points) without major complaints. So, I think the high-level, overall page design could be solid and compliant.
Navigation on the exercises was essentially the issue. The feedback was focused on my T/F or MC question pages. The learner (visually impaired) said the feedback wasn't clear to tell him if he got the question right or wrong. They said it was too reliant on the visual aspects (red/green shapes). He also stated that some of the buttons are oddly named. Some read "button 2800394" or simply had descriptive English names that he felt were confusing (Go forward instead of Next Page).
Good Morning Brian -
This is Christine. I facilitate the Lectora Accessibility User Group meetings. If you an share an example with me, I could look it over and may have some suggestions for you.
Also, I don't see that you joined the official group. If you would like to participate in our monthly discussions, please go to www.thelaug.org to be added to my mailing list.
You can email me directly via christine@e-learningdesigns.com
You can also find me on linkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/christineomalley
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