Questions are not associated with form field check boxes
August 3, 2015 12:00 AM
I'm building a Lectora v12 course for a client who's affiliated with a Gov't agency. As such, the content needs to be 508 compliant. I built a prototype and shared it with them for review by their 508 accessibility experts. I took a few dings on some minor issues like contrasting colors, tab order, and loss of focus on my buttons. I've been able to address most of their reported issues though simple design changes and ordering in the left-hand pane. One item, however, has me scratching my head.
I created a question using Lectora's question creator. It's just a simple multiple response question with 3 possible answers...two of them correct. As expected, Lectora creates the question object which includes the question text, as well as the choice text and button for each of the three answers.
The names and labels for each choice are in the correct order, and match up correctly to give clear guidance on which item is being selected. The agency's 508 experts, however, are stating the "Questions are not associated with form field check boxes". I've looked everywhere I can think of to find some method of further associating the question text to the choice...but have had no success. The agency suggested three possible solutions:
a. Setting up the field set so it has a legend.
b. Adding an aria title tag.
c. Associate the question by restating the question in each answer.
Option C above is the only one I really understand, but frankly it's not a good solution. The questions in the course can be quite long and hearing them read multiple times would not be pleasant.
Note that the issue reported does above not manifest itself when using screen readers or other accessibility tools. The agency stated they are moving to a code-based review process. Despite the fact that the course performs as expected using common accessibility tools, it is not passing their review process. Has anyone built a 508-compliant course lately and moved through this "code-based" review process? Secondarily, did you run into a similar objection to the way Lectora associates question text to the choices?
I'm attaching a screenshot of their review and the issue as they reported it.

Discussion (2)
I have not encountered this issue before. Let me check with the team to see if we can provide some additional solutions. Thanks for posting!
Looks like you've already been in touch with our support team and that legend tags are being created. Thanks and good luck on your project!
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