Retrieve completion status from LMS?

I'm developing courses in Lectora Publisher 11 for the Success Factors (Plateau) LMS. Rarely (but once is too many times) a course will exit, apparently normally, with no completion status saved (meaning it stays "incomplete"). Because I don't have access to a real programming language, I can't error-check the LMS communication (for instance, by checking the return code on the actual HTML transfer).

Can Lectora retrieve the completion status from the LMS? If so, I can add actions to my Exit buttons that will check the LMS's current status for this course, and check it against the correct one. Otherwise, can anyone point me to a source on JavaScript/SCORM interactions, maybe library routines I can borrow to do exactly what I just suggested, but outside Lectora?


Carl Fink

Discussion (6)

To check the status, use action "Run Javascript" and use this code (SCORM 1.2):


Replace 'cmi.core.lesson_status' with 'cmi.completion_status' and/or 'cmi.success_status' for SCORM 2004.

Thank you, Sergey.

I haven't used JavaScript/Lectora variable interoperation before. Does that populate the same-name variable in Lectora? Because if so, it would require me to first save the value of that variable in another one to avoid overwriting it.

I wish Trivantis documented this sort of thing.

You should just be able to create an action with an if/else condition that checks the AICC_Lesson_Status variable. It will exit the course if it matches complete/passed/etc and shows a message or some other action if it does not match that status.

I understand how to check the AICC_Lesson_Status variable we set in lectora, but how would you check if the LMS, TinCan in this case, successfully received the message?

Our trainings are failing to pass the Lesson Status variable and clients whom have completed trainings are needing to be manually entered as passed. This is completely unacceptable and has no definite pattern. So this check seems necessary to make sure Lectora's javascript is working properly.

When we have users go back into the training where they left off and load the final page of the training again, it works fine and passes the AICC_Lesson_Status variable correctly... we've even tried passing the variable twice on 2 different events in the training and for some reason the trivantis javascript fails occasionally, with no definitive pattern.

So please, can you post a sample of how this check would communicate from lectora to tincan? Or is there a resource out there that could assist?

Coming back in months later, but: we have the same issue. Sometimes, randomly, Lectora will fail to communicate the status (pass or fail) back to the LMS. In those cases, it does save the correct score, so it seems to be a one-time thing (each time) as Warren says. I ended up just having the courses send the status update, then before the user exits navigate to a new page that sends it again, which has cut the incidence down from rare to extremely rare, but it does still happen.

Just curious, what action are you using upon Exit? And, what are you checking?

I'm working in Scorm 1.2. I use a simple:

Trigger: Mouse Click

Action: Modify Variable

Target: AICC_Lesson_Status

Type: Set Equal To

Value: completed or incomplete (depending on 'if' condition)

If Condition:

Variable Relationship Value

PageInChapter Equals VAR(PagesInChapter)

We just require them to get to the end of the chapter. This is tested maximum times and works consistently.

We are actually working to test if the student "landed" on each page, at the very least, before completion and maybe test if the watched certain videos. But, no issues with Saba LMS.

In fact, if anyone knows if you can test for each page being set to complete as an "end" condition, please let me know!

Hope this helps.


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