Remembered varibales.

How does one place checkmarks next to completed lessons. I just started writing my test yesterday and the possibilities keep growing. Thanks,Mike

Discussion (2)

We've created a course template in Lecotra 2004. On the Main Menu we place checkmarks next to completed Lessons. Since going to Lectora 2005 we've expanded the Main Menu to included more lessons and checkmarks to mirror the previous template. Since we've created the additional Lessons (in Lectora 2005) the status seems to be remembered from session to session when published to HTML. Only the newly added Lessons remember the status either compete or not complete (a user defined variable) and the old ones do not. My questions is how can we get ALL the Lessons to remember or not remember? Where is this data being stored between sessions of the course?Thanks, Scott

I found the checkbox for retain varibales between sessions.Thanks.

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