bypass the done button in a question.

When a question is left unanswered it's value is equal to nothing. Once the students answers the question the value will change to be equal to whatever answer they have selected. In this case it could be either 'true' or 'false'. So on the done button, add a condition to the action that checkes to make sure the question variable is 'not equal to' and leave the value field empty. You can also add a second on click action that displays a message or something similar to let them know they must answer the question. The condition this time would be if the question variable is 'equal to' and again, leave the value field blank.When a question is left unanswered it's value is equal to nothing. Once the students answers the question the value will change to be equal to whatever answer they have selected. In this case it could be either 'true' or 'false'. So on the done button, add a condition to the action that checkes to make sure the question variable is 'not equal to' and leave the value field empty. You can also add a second on click action that displays a message or something similar to let them know they must answer the question. The condition this time would be if the question variable is 'equal to' and again, leave the value field blank.

Discussion (3)

Thanks, Aaron. We were using a condition of Greater Than, which didn't work. When changed to Not Equal To it worked correctly.

Scott,If it is an un-assessed question, you can just create a normal page that does not use the Testing structure at all.Create vars that keep track of the value of your t/f (say 2 for true and 50 for false):so modify var(myvar) = 2 or 50 for each item clicked. In your done button, throw up a window saying they are wrong/right, only have gotonextpage if its correct. email me offline if you want more help on this :)Dwayne

I've seen this posted before, however I'm not able to get a workable solution. I want to put questions throughout my course, not associated with a test, but user can bypass the questions simply by clicking the Done button for the question. I don't want them to be able to bypass the question. My questions are True/False using Radio buttons. How can I check to see if either radio button is selected when the Done button is clicked? If neither are selected I don't want the course to proceed.Sorry if this duplicated another question. I've searched, but can't get a solution to work.

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