Question cards costumization

Will there be a way to have more advanced question card customization in the near future?

I'm thinking of doing this hack with hotspots with custom images and adding to the score when you click on them, but I'm not sure if It would work... (the moment you click on a question option on my hacked up question card may look weird...)

Discussion (3)

There are a few things on the roadmap for questions, but we don't want to add so many options that it becomes cumbersome to use them. What kind of question interaction were you looking for? I'm sure we could figure out a way to simulate what you are looking for.


I basically want full freedom on how question cards look like. If I want to make a button in a question card look like a duck I want to be able to do that. see how a hotspot can look like anything if you upload an image? I want a something as close to that as possible for question cards.

I understand the "cumbersome" concern. Maybe this can be part of "advanced" options?

A solution I can think of is having access to the click area of an element. Similar how you set collision objects for geometry in a video game world.

Probably be best off just creating the question custom in that case, by adding your custom images as hotspots, and the question background as a custom image, and then some text. You are always able to simulate a question being scored by setting or adding to the score from actions on that custom setup

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