Query re: Test Functionality/Process Test Survey Action in Lectora Inspire v11.1 (891


In Lectora Inspire v11.1 (8914) I’ve been asked to document in our internal process guides how to create Tests in Lectora and what settings/functionality to use to ensure accurate MI/data transfer to our Saba LMS.

There are two scenarios we’re interested in as follows: -

• Scenario 1: Lectora reports Completion Status = Successful (if test passed) and Completion Status = Unsuccessful (if test failed).

• Scenario 2: Lectora reports Completion Status = Successful (if test passed) and Completion Status = Not Evaluated (if test failed).

I am fine with Scenario 1. The Lectora Test functionality and ‘Process Test/Survey’ Action ensures that this happens.

The only way I’ve been able to get Scenario 2 to work is by totally ignoring the Lectora Test functionality, using custom variables to mark and score the test, making AICC_Score equal my custom variable for score, and AICC_Lesson_Status equal to ‘completed’ only when the Test has been passed. I’m finding that as soon as I use the ‘Process Test/Survey’ Action then ‘Not Evaluated’ in our LMS gets overwritten to ‘Unsuccessful’ for a failed test.

Is there any way to use the standard Lectora Test functionality and still show ‘Not Evaluated’ in the LMS for a fail (i.e. not overwriting it to ‘Unsuccessful’)? Perhaps an action to modify AICC_Lesson_Status after processing the test to reset the Completion Status in the LMS to ‘Not Evaluated’.



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