Public... but not public
February 6, 2020 12:00 AM
How do I publish and share a cenarioVR without making it public-public?
I want to share it with my client but not the world.
Discussion (13)
Just add your client in as a Viewer, and assign the scenario to them. The system will invite them in and send them a notification that it was assigned to them.
There are several ways to assign content, but the easiest way is when you publish, you are shown a popup of your published packages. The tools icons on the right side of the list are how you manage the published packages.
If you publish content privately, that means that it will only be visible to anyone if it is assigned to them. The first icon in the tools for private content is the "Assign Users and Groups" icon. Clicking this will bring up the assignment dialog, where you can just check the users you want it to be assigned to. Once you assign content to a user, they will be sent an email notifying them of the assignment.
You can bring up that same published packages list at any time after publishing both on the dashboard and in the editor, and use those same steps to assign content to a user. If you have created groups of users, you can also assign the content to a group in this area.
Public content, that is a scenario that is published publicly, is visible to anyone on the internet with the link. It will not require a login to be viewed, and will be shown to all users of CenarioVR in the "Public Scenarios" tab.
Sharing of a scenario with another author in the Scenario settings popup is how you utilize collaborative authoring within CenarioVR. Selecting another author in your organization to share a scenario with will make that scenario visible in their "Shared Scenarios" tab. That author will then have edit privileges to the scenario. Note that only one person at a time will be able to have the scenario open for editing.
I nominate this as a demo video. Like, tomorrow if you're not busy. :)
I really need to understand this as our project grows in scope. But I think I have the basics.
I added him as a viewer thank you.
How or where do I assign a scenario to them please.
And, now that I'm digging deeper, what are Shared scenarios vs Public?
Note that I didn't add those visible undefined tags. The forum software added those because I used Indent. Somehow.
You can't import scenarios on the Shared Sessions page, so the workaround won't work.
Also, the "?" icon on the Shared Sessions page does nothing whatsoever.
John, we have two authors in our organization currently. Lisa just created a bunch of scenarios herself. She sees the same users as me, but I can't share scenarios with her.
Yes, please, a tutorial would bei very helpful....we also have problems with sharing (public/privat).
Greetings Marcel
In order to share with another author, you would need more than one author in your organization. You can't share between organizations. CenarioVR is highly firewalled between organizations for security reasons.
Public/Private is a very different concept than "sharing" (A name we may change as it seems to be generating some confusion)
Sharing a scenario with another author and the shared scenarios tab is for collaborative editing. Two people who are authors (or Org Admins) in CenarioVR will be able to edit and publish the same scenario (one at a time, both authors can't be in editing at the same time)
Privately published scenarios are only viewable by users that you assign to the content. So when publishing Privately, you'll need to create a user and assign them the published scenario. Privately published scenarios will show up in the "My Scenarios" tab for those users it has been assigned to, and have xAPI analytics tracked for everyone that takes a scenario.
Publicly published scenarios are available on the Public scenarios tab for everyone who has a CenarioVR ID, and can also be linked to directly by URL to anyone on the Web, without having to log in.
Yup, there now.
Thanks. There was a problem with our account. (It was limiting us to 10 users when we were paying for 250.) I wonder if that could have been a factor. Our account rep was working on fixing that for us.
If Lisa is another author in your organization, in the scenario settings panel for a scenario that you are the author of, you should see a "Share" button in the lower left hand corner (image attached) just click on the share button, and select the author you want to share with. It will then be in that authors shared scenarios tab.

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