Play/Scrub Bar

Is there a way to display a play bar while a video is playing? Just so that the user can anticipate when the video will be over.

Discussion (5)

You can put a timer object set to the same time as the video, and it could count up or down the time of the video. it can be displayed with or without the time to give the look of a video progress meter.

That's beautiful!

Is there a way to distort an image when resizing? Like CTRL left click drag sort of thing. I'd love to make this much thinner and longer.


Indeed it will. Thank you, John.

There isn't, but, in the next release, coming in a few days, you'll be able to size a "bar only" style timer's width and height independently, which should do what you are looking for

Love the new time play bar. Totally customizable. Love it.

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