PeopleSoft LMS Integration

HELP!!! I am not even sure where to begin. We purchased Lectora 2006 and the company had never used it until I joined last year when we upgraded to 2008. The Lectora looks great and the LMS looks great, but we can't get them to "play nice" together! We have been working on the integration of this for many hours each day and are at our wits end. We have even had a (6-hour) conference call with PeopleSoft & LMS and us!!! It is a simple little class that contains a test with 3 questions, and the errors come from the test information being sent to the LMS. Does anyone have any suggestions? Does anyone have a class that works? I would love to "borrow" a class to see if it is on the Lectora side or the LMS side...Anyone, anything, any suggestions as we are desperate in Tulsa, OK. Edited By: cpaxton on 2008-10-29 18:44:5

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