More information in scenario listing

So this is the current scenario list (in list, as opposed to thumbnail, format).

With all that whitespace, surely you could include more information, say the last date edited and the total size of the scenario in megabytes? Maybe some usage stats?

Note that the CRV app for Oculus (for one) does give information about the scenarios. It's odd that the developer doesn't have access. Developers generally appreciate information-rich environments.

Discussion (4)

While I'm at it ... I still can' t tell which scenario I'm working on from inside the scenario editor:

The only way to find out where I am is to check the Scenario Settings, which is clunky because of your decision to use a pseudo-dialog thing made in JavaScript (instead of just calling the operating system's dialog box, which JS can do), which means it's huge and ignores standard keyboard shortcuts. Not that I'm cranky today or anything.

Articulate Rise has a similar listings view. Its listings page has a thumbnail image, title, date lasted edited and number of lessons. Possibly just have an expander/collapser for more info?

Lectora Online actually does a much better job of handling listings like this, notably by having folders.

Articulate Rise has a similar listings view. Its listings page has a thumbnail image, title, date lasted edited and number of lessons. Possibly just have an expander/collapser for more info?

I encountered this again today. I want to assign the latest version of a scenario to a user. There is literally no way to tell which is the latest version except by opening them all, then flipping through them to see if my latest edits are in there ... if I remember exactly what those were.

Surely you could let us sort the scenario listing by date, at least? Currently we have no way to change the default sorting ... whatever that is. I think it might be last access date (as opposed to last modification date).

This can be especially painful for shared scenarios, because someone else might open a scenario, and now it appears at the top of the list for me, and I think it's the version I was working on. And since the names are truncated (even though there is plenty of room to display the full name), they can be literally indistinguishable.