
LSDX Session Resources

Last week I presented at Learning Solutions: Reduce. Reuse. Repurpose. Maximizing the Business Benefits of Your Authoring Tool.

The session was a lightning round of 4 case studies, including how customer feedback and user data informed our innovative Modular Development (ModDev) approach to authoring eLearning in our new Lectora Desktop 21.

Here are the resources I referenced in that session. Enjoy!

Adaptive Learning Example

In this webinar, Domenic Caloia, Senior Learning Developer from Johnson Controls, presents his Learner Intelligence adaptive design model to create a personalized eLearning course in Lectora.

Take a test drive of Dominic's adaptive course and then check the leaderboard to see how your learning path compares to others.

Accessible Questions

Accessible question types in Lectora with scored feedback include:

  • True/False

  • Multiple Choice

  • Rank/Sequence

  • Number Entry

Short Answer, Essay, and Fill in the Blank are accessible, but not scored.

Matching questions can be made accessible, but take considerable time to complete using the keyboard. Use these sparingly.

Here is a quick video tutorial on how to add questions in Lectora, including how to import several questions quickly using a CSV file saved from a spreadsheet.

Post any follow-up questions here, and look for more on ModDev soon


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