Getting Started Challenges?

Think back to the first time you opened Lectora.

What was the most confusing to you?

What would make that easier for other new users?

Discussion (3)

The first time I opened Lectora was a little over one year ago (sometime back in September of 2020). I just got hired on as the e-Learning specialist and was told that I would be using Lectora, a product I have never used before. I looked at it and was very confused since it seemed somewhat familiar with certain aspects of other instructional design software but otherwise, I did not know what did what and how to do something in Lectora. I think something that would make it easier for other new users would be a better help manual on Lectora. The current manual just gives an explanation of what something is located but it does not explain how to do something specific or why something should be done to make it easier for new users. As an example, how to use variables and why they should be used in your course.

That's great insight, @jgwaltney-3273! We're definitely working on creating more resources for new Lectora users, like this Lectora training plan that starts with the basics and includes a how to video just on variables, which are such an essential part of Lectora!

Thanks for asking @chris_willis. Along with @jgwaltney-3273. Learning Lectora has a steep learning curve. The videos are helping, but it is difficult to take what you know about another program and apply it to Lectora. I watched the older videos, also, but sometimes it is difficult to understand simple things, e.g. understanding the layout, inheriting properties, the Resource Manager.

However, I am happy for this New Users Group. We must promote it more and hopefully, can use it as a great resource along with the other discussions. Thanks E-learning brothers.