Lectora 2005 Enterprise Registration
April 26, 2005 12:00 AM
The following article can be found in the FAQ section on the Trivantis website. I am experiencing the same registration problem because I work behind a firewall with a large corporation. The problem is the answer to this FAQ does not relate to Lectora 2005 Enterprise. Could anyone supply me with the link or more information?Knowledge Base Article - 64When I attempt to register Lectora I am getting message that there was an error contacting the server and I should contact Trivantis. What is this and why is it occurring? WORKAROUND: If you are using the 2004 version, go to www.lectora.com/regonline2004 and attempt to register your product there. If you are registering the 2003 version, go to www.lectora.com/regonline.How do I register Lectora 2005 Enterprise?
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