Nullify the AICC Score when exiting
June 1, 2005 12:00 AM
OK Dave, then let me think aloud here for a work around...not sure if this works but may be worth a try.The LMS needs a test in the course to be able to trigger a pass/fail situation, but you dont need to ever take your user to the test.Why do you not hide the test from the user (this way it exists and the variables for it exist)and reproduce the test as a set of pages with questions on them and different varaibles. These would not score in the course as they would not be in a test but...Using the variables work out if they have passed or failed and on a pass populate the correct variables for the LMS so it believes you took the test.If they do not pass 'your' questions then do not populate the variables to the 'test' and the LMS will still believe they never took the test and should have no score and setting of incomplete.Neil
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