Nullify the AICC Score when exiting

Hi all,I am testing SCORM 1.2 content created using Lectora 2005 in Saba 5.2 (LMS). Based on the Score being passed back from the content, Saba updates the Completion & Lesson Status accordingly.This is fine however, some of our content allows users more than 1 assessment attempt, and also allows users to exit between attempts. This means that if our users exit the content prior to completing all assessment attempts, Saba will compare the score with the Mastery and determine a status of either Failed or Passed. We would like it to remain Incomplete.Is there anyway to nullify the Score in between attempts, so if the user does exit the content, a Score is not sent back?I tried the obvious and modified the AICC Score variable to 0, but Saba compares 0 to the Mastery and Fails the lesson status.Below are two snippets from the communication logs. The first shows what is sent back to Saba when exiting prior to any score being determined.1 - scoreraw - before assessment2 - scoreraw50 - after assessmentThe second line shows a score of 50 being recorded. This is what I want to stop happening. Is there any way to reset the 50 to null?

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