Info Card (Text Box) Improvements

Here is a list of improvements I'd like to see made to the Info Card feature:

- Additional fonts added

- Option to add custom fonts

- Ability to have different fonts/weights/colours within the same Info Card

- Add standard features i.e. Bold, Italics, Bullets, Hyperlinks

- Custom fonts sizes in 'pt'

- Ability to adjust the Info Card width and height with the text auto adjusting to the shape

Discussion (4)

I'm actually sort of surprised you didn't request pagination or scrolling. It would just fit with the other items you did ask for.

After working on a project with a colleague yesterday, let me add: word wrap that is more flexible. In particular, if I drag the side handle inward, it should rewrap the text instead of resizing it (and of course, increase the height to allow the text to fit).

How about inline images? Currently, I have to leave a blank space in the text (by elaborately using line breaks) and drop an image on top of the info card, then group them. Not impossible, but something that could be automated away.

I'm actually sort of surprised you didn't request pagination or scrolling. It would just fit with the other items you did ask for.

This is what the comments are for! To add in what I forget about ? Great suggestions