Improve the 'Undo' feature

The 'Undo' button in CenarioVR is dreadful. If I accidentally move anything on my page, I will be lucky if the Undo button resets it to where it was.

I have just accidentally moved a group with multiple objects inside, I right clicked and selected 'Undo'... Nothing happened. This happens for me on multiple occasions.

PLEASE can this be improved. It's like walking on eggshells inside the editor. I know that if I accidentally delete an object, or change my mind, I am very unlikely to be able to get it back.

'Undo' rant over :)

Discussion (2)

I have just accidentally deleted a timed event. I pressed undo immediately. Nothing happened... It is now lost forever and I have to try and remember the actions it held and when it was shown.

Isn't that incredibly frustrating? I tend to save a duplicate of my in-progress scenarios every hour or so, which has to waste huge amounts of resources at the ELB end, and because of the absolutely abysmal way scenarios are listed, can be very confusing at the developer end as well.

Yo! ELB! Use the decades old Unix-like "diff" utility to save versions of a scenario every hour, automatically, as efficient, small files showing differences from the previous version. Then archive only one per day for long-term backups. This will use enormously less storage than if you force us to save multiple versions of entire scenarios.

Heck, just use a storage server that does the equivalent of this automatically, e. g. Synology's snapshots. Then all your own developers would need to do is create a front end for this function. Easy-peasy (as large upgrades go).

I'm assuming you own your servers here, and are not using a cloud-based system. Because that would be the right choice, in my out-of-practice opinion.

I have just accidentally deleted a timed event. I pressed undo immediately. Nothing happened... It is now lost forever and I have to try and remember the actions it held and when it was shown.