Should the 'Pan To' feature work on VR Headsets?

This amazing feature of CenarioVR "Pan To" (which automatically turns the scene to where you want the user to look) is not working on VR Headsets.

Yes, it could make people a bit dizzy if used excessively on a VR Headset. However, I believe it can be used well in small amounts on headsets for areas where it is needed.

What's everyone's thoughts?

Discussion (3)

What I've done is detect that I'm not in the browser (which is not as easy as it should be in CVR, in my opinion) and have big honking arrows appear with infocards that say, "Look over here!" Not a perfect substitute.

Very true, this was suggested to me before, but as you say, it's not perfect (plus it adds to the development time).

This idea of Pan To not working can also affect how the content is filmed - knowing of this issue, I would be inclined to film everything in front of the camera, rather than all around it, this minimises the chance of the user not seeing content (but this goes against the whole point of 360).

A quick thought: How about transition types for the Pan To. Slow/Speed up the rotation, or Fade In/Out to avoid dizziness.

A quick thought: How about transition types for the Pan To. Slow/Speed up the rotation, or Fade In/Out to avoid dizziness.

You could in theory also have built-in "look over there" effects, e. g. dimming the rest of the environment with a lighting gradient imposed pointing at something. That would actually be pretty straightforward to program, given a decent API.