How do you show the next and back buttons when the timeline ends?
December 31, 2021 12:00 AM
Q1. How do you create a variable to show the next and back buttons when the slide timeline ends?
Q2. How do you create a variable to show the next and back buttons so the state of the button is disabled upon view and then normal when the slide timeline ends?
Tied to this question, by disabled stated which was 50% opacity was not showing in preview.
Discussion (14)
Why do you want to create a variable? Just put an action on the slide to hide/show/disable/enable your buttons.
There are a few ways this can be handled.
You could certainly use a variable, but it's not the simplest solution here.
I'm going to assume you're referring to the overall page time, and not a media file when you mention the length of the slide/page - if I'm misunderstanding, please let me know and we can adapt these instructions.
First, you set the duration of the specific page in the Properties tab for that page.
Select page > Properties tab > Page pane > Duration
Default is 1:00:00
If I wanted the page duration only to last for 5 seconds, I'd change this to 0:00:05, for instance.
Then, add an action to your page: On Show, Hide your navigation (or set state).
Next, access the Page Events Pane (if not already showing) via the View tab.
View tab > Page Events Pane
Here, you can set an action to occur at any point on the timeline.
So, for your scenario, you'd drag the timeline slider to the end of the timeline, then press the red flag to add an event. In the dialog that appears, add a "Show" action, where the target is your navigation.
You can manually edit/finesse the timecode for the action in this dialog as well.
@carlfink I will try your suggestion as well.
I was able to follow your instructions, but the navigation still views. This is what I did:
Page Duration = 000:00.30
Page Action = Show, Hide [navigation]
Page Event =
Name = Event 0
Time = 00:00.15
Action = Show [navigation]
View = Preview. The page navigation still shows when the page views
Thank you for the succinct and detailed instructions. I will give it a try.
Page Action = Show, Hide [navigation]
Did you create a group named "navigation" and say to hide it?
Page Duration = 000:00.30
Time = 00:00.15
besides, Carl's question, also check these times in the course. What's listed here looks like .30 of a second and .15 of a second. If you meant 30 seconds and 15 seconds then the values should be, respectively, 0:00:30 and 0:00:15. Colons and periods are important.
You can have two Next and two Forward buttons on a page, but there's usually no reason to. If I have a I'm not really clear on what you're trying to do, to be honest. Can you upload a sample course?
@carlfink and @jholland I just had a thought. If I need to have each navigation button timed differently, does this mean the navigation buttons need to appear on each page and I should remove all navigation on the Project Slide. Could the Project slide navigation interfere with the page navigation even if the Project Navigation was Button was excluded from the Inherit Settings.
@Carlfink I am just trying to understand how Lectora works. There are no user guides. I find somethings very confusing and am just asking questions as I learn how the structure works.
If anyone knows of user guides for Lectora 21 which are easy to understand I would appreciate learning about them. eLearning Uncovered had great guides for Captivate and Storyline which I purchased. Unfortunately they have none for Lectora21.
@carlfink [navigation] was meant to be a holder for the actual name of the navigation button. I was starting with one navigation button to see the difference in operation, so one would hide and one would not.
@jholland yes, for my trial I wanted to page duration to be 30 seconds and the navigation to show at 15 seconds.
I have completed another task I was pulled into and hope to spend this morning learning about this feature.
I'm crossing my fingers I can get it to work. Thanks again.
UPDATE! I got it to work, but not as suggested. I could not get what was suggested to work.
Page Duration: 30 seconds
Button Shows: after 5 seconds
Button: B I Agree
Note: Did not use page events
This is what was suggested by a teammate:
Initially Hide Button
See Placement of Button B I Agree
See Action for Button Using OnPageShowShow
@LisaB2022, it looks as if you did use page events, namely OnPageShow.
I got a great Lectora guide when I first started using it. Unfortunately, that was Lectora 9. I've whined about, I mean mentioned to the Trivantis and then eLearning Brothers teams for years now that they need to document their products better. (I used to be a software product development manager, and at least half my job was writing documentation, since my then-company wouldn't hire a tech writer).
That's why we are so very happy we have Rockstars like you @carlfink! You're awesome, keep "mentioning" things, we are listening and trying to get better and your feedback helps. @LisaB2022 thank you for sharing your solution, very nice!