Hiding buttons using variables

Can some one help find out why what I’m doing is not working

I have a menu that when the learner lands is all grey out and after they review the content on each section the icons should change to colour ones.

What I did is I place two buttons per item on the menu on the screen.

The 1 button the grey one is visible as soon as the land on the page

Properties= initially visible

I add a variable at the end of the section

On show, modify variable, Target lastpage_aboutus, value 1, set variable contents.

On the menu page I add 2 variable

1 action

On show, action: show, target : bw _button

Conditions perform only if: lastpage_about_us not equal to 1

2 action

On show, action: show, target : colour _button

Conditions perform only if: lastpage_about_us equal to 1

The problem I’m having is that, the colour button is all the time on the screen… I doesn’t look like is being affected by any of the actions.



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