Exit Scenario not exiting
December 18, 2019 12:00 AM
I created a hotspot, selected the action to Send Completion (for SCORM?) and Exit Scenario.
Clicking this when launched from our LMS (SmarterU) just hangs on that image. I believe, however, that the LMS is recording the training as complete. Is there a way to get it to go back to the LMS showing complete? Even if I have to refresh the LMS screen.

Discussion (3)
If you look at the description of the exit action (hover your mouse over the action), it exits the scenario "When run from CenarioVR". So the window will be closed when running either in CenarioVR from the browser, in the CenarioVR app on a mobile device, or in a CenarioVR app on a VR headset. We do this by sending a message back to our parent, and custom code in the parent window receiving the message and closing the window.
On the Web outside of CenarioVR, we are subject to the same restrictions as any other HTML window, a window cannot close itself. If the LMS opens the window, the LMS has to be the one to close the window.
Commonly, in SCORM 1.2 systems, the LMS will close the content window when it receives the complete statement. In SCORM 2004 the LMS normally does not close the content on completion. You may check to see if there is a setting that will close the window when the complete action is sent.
SCORM 1.2: that was it!
Thank you for your quick response we appreciate it!
I'm seeing the same issue that Rick was. SCORM 1.2 courses can't be closed from within the course itself. Short of getting SAP (my LMS is SAP/Success Factors) to change their code, which is possible but neither fast nor easy, has anyone come up with a workaround since Rick raised this question last year?
Why would Lectora courses be able to close themselves just fine, but CenarioVR courses also exported in SCORM 1.2 format not? Shouldn't they run the exact same JavaScript? (As a test, can eLB change the CVR code to be identical to what's in Lectora for SCORM exports? I'm sorely tempted now to hack one of my SCORM zip files myself just to see if it works.)
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