Error Message: LMSSetValue Error
June 2, 2016 12:00 AM
I just published a file and when I put it into our LMS, I get the following error: LMSSetValue Error: smi.interactions.1.text to [ ] Incorrect Data Type.
I've never had this error message before. Any suggestions?

Discussion (4)
If I make that change, how will the LMS get the passing score?
You can try disabling interaction reporting in the Publish options.
Hi there,
I have gotten that error message when I incorrectly added and modified a variable to my title and it appeared in the mobile output (when I tested on an iPhone). I believe I added the CMI_Completion Status variable but that is only for SCORM 2004 outputs.
Are you working with a published SCORM or API (xAPI) project?
Which variable are you using in your title track the passing score?
- I would recommend using the AICC_Lesson_Status variable to tell the LMS that the training is completed
- I would recommend using the AICC_Score variable to tell the LMS the average of all the test scores in the title
I am not sure if it is the same for an xAPI output...
Go through the variable manager and read each of the descriptions for the Reserved variables- that also helps.
If I make that change, how will the LMS get the passing score?
Passing score is not communicated via interactions. So nothing will change in that regard.
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