Document Object in 2005 -- Scrollbars
January 5, 2005 12:00 AM
Hi,In 2004 when I imported an rtf document it would wrap the text based on the size of the document box.In 2005 it puts in scrollbars instead of wrapping the text. Is there anyway to turn off the scrollbars and have it wrap like it did in 2004?Thanks for your help,SimonEdited By: spuleo on 38356.5450694444
Discussion (2)
This has been fixed in SP1 for Lectora 2005.This has been fixed in SP1 for Lectora 2005.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our development team is currently looking into the situation and I will keep you updated on the issue. For now, try placing the text within a text block instead or manually break up the lines in the document with a hard return character.
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