Create GLB Object

What's the best way to create (or export) a GLB object?

We're using Blender and Lightwave and can't find a GLB export option.

Discussion (20)

That site is a treasure. Thanks for sharing.

Blender has a GLTF export, which is just the unpacked format of GLB. There are lots of sites that will pack that into a GLB.

I created a couple of of objects in Blender, then converted to GLB using this site:

It works really well.

Howdy all,

I'm ready to start using the 3D options in CVR, but not a great variety to pick from? Are there any creative commons libraries for GLB's?

Sketchfab ( has over 300,000 models listed as Creative Commons. They all can be downloaded as gLTF. As mentioned above these can all be "packed" into a single file GLB.

One note, I use the gLTF shell extension for Windows, makes it super easy to go from gLTF to gLB and vice versa ( You literally just right click on the file and select "Pack to Binary GLB".

@johnb AMAZING, took me all of 20 minutes to access Sketchfab and the gLTF shell ext from Windows....I did notice it took CVR a bit of time to let me play with them once I added. But EXCELLENT :smile:

@tlcwithval, suggestion: test your new 3D models in whatever your target publishing format is, on all your target device platforms, before you spend too much time on development. I found that many of them produce unacceptable behavior on Apple iOS devices when published to SCORM, and some just plain don't work right in CVR at all. The Sketchfab ones by and large worked, but not every one.

As John B. mentioned to me a while back, there's also some sort of incompatibility between (at least older) Oculus headsets and some SVG files to test for as well.

@carlfink if we keep up this comment string they @elearningbrothers will have to give it to us....right @johnb :D

I like the idea of a virtual environment ... I wonder if that's in the game plan for CVR.

@carlfink thanks for the heads up, will definitely keep it in mind. Wouldn't be great if @eLearningbrothers had some fun way of putting us together in a virtual room to "play" and learn new CVR applications together.... ;)

Besides The Green Room of course...

No comment....... ;-)

Hi all,

Having some issues with the GLB's, I bring them into CVR and they are "invisible" I see the handles but the object isn't there???

@carlfink that's a bummer. Also, shouldn't i be able to move the object around in preview mode, without adding any actions or variable?

@johnb that makes sense :) I thought I could do more ;) .

What about my invisible problem with glb's?

And what if a glb won't add as a hotspot?

Hi all,

Having some issues with the GLB's, I bring them into CVR and they are "invisible" I see the handles but the object isn't there???

I have reported similar issues in the past.

I've also had issues with specific GLBs. CVR can't handle certain models that display fine in other viewers. I used Blender to simplify the models (reduce the number of triangles) and merged as many subcomponents as possible, and that fixed the problem.

@tlcwithval 2D and 3D objects can be used as drag and drop items, and 3D objects can be set to be "spinnable". Just create your object as a hotspot and set it to "Interactive". You then have options of drag item, drop spot, or spin item. 3D objects by themselves are not interactive.

@carlfink that's a bummer. Also, shouldn't i be able to move the object around in preview mode, without adding any actions or variable?

Yes. Yes, you should. As I say, I had a similar problem some months ago, which spontaneously vanished a few days later.

On the "invisible" issue, not all 3D objects are "created equal", and those created in other formats and auto converted are not always up to par. If there is an issue with the object itself not being quite right, I've had some luck with random objects I've gotten off the internet by opening and re-saving them using Paint 3D on Windows. BTW, Paint 3D is actually a really cool way to create your own 3D objects as well, and they have quite an object library to choose from.

Any GLB that can be added as a 3D Model can also be added as a hotspot, so not sure what you are seeing there.

Thanks for the tip on Paint 3D.