Cornerstone and Lectora 17

Hello everyone. I'm asking for a sanity check here and/or some advice on how to publish Lectora v17 courses for proper use in Cornerstone.

I've been developing Lectora courses for clients using the Cornerstone LMS (CSOD) for quite a while...primarily SCORM 1.2. I found that the courses worked better when admins changed the course profile setting of Compatibility from its default value of "None" to "IE10". With all Lectora content I've developed using up through 16.2.2, that change always seemed to fix a variety of odd display and functional issues.

Now that I'm beginning to edit, republish, and create new content using v17, I started getting those odd behaviors again. Buttons not working, quiz radio dials not selecting, actions not firing...etc. On the odd chance, I asked the customer to change the Compatibility value back to the default of "None" and worked as designed.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Did Lectora change anything in their publishing method to make this setting change no longer necessary? Thanks in advance everyone!

Discussion (1)

I had the same issue. The first Lectora 17 course that I published, none of the buttons worked, activities didn’t work, etc. My LMS Administrator had to change a setting in order for it to work....guessing it was the setting that you mentioned in your message.

She is used to it now....think I might be one of the few Developees in my company using Lectora 17 for course development. So you are not alone!

Ps.....I published to both versions of didn’t matter. She had to make the adjustment on the LMS side.



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