Browser in Oculus - Cardboard interface?

In the Oculus Browser, my CVR scenario works fine. If I click the "goggles" (webXR) icon at the bottom of the window, it goes into ... Google Cardboard mode, in which the remote control stops working and you have to use gaze control?

Is that the intended behavior?

Discussion (3)

Note also that both the 180 and 360 immersive views fail in the Oculus Browser, and launching the HTML5 version in Firefox Reality gives a blank white screen.

Yes, cardboard mode is how interaction works in WebXR for the Oculus Browser


Of course, for mixed audiences, this makes giving instructions (within the scenario) problematic. Maybe I'll add a quick text step before launching the scenario explaining how to use it on the chosen platform. I can do that for the LMS by incorporating the CVR scenario into Lectora. I suppose I can assume that students who have the CVR app will know how to use it (since there's no way to have an instructions screen).

Yes, cardboard mode is how interaction works in WebXR for the Oculus Browser