Background image is not showing

I have imported A LOT of powerpoint frames into a Lectora 19 document. I have to place the background image that goes on each page of my course onto each imported page. Halfway through, the image just does not show. It is called into the page under image the same as those pages where the image does show. What gives?

Discussion (5)

Hey, @Bdmontag -

If I understand what you are describing, you should be able to place your background image one time at the project level at the very top of your Project Explorer and inherit it down through your entire course.

Let me know if this article on inheritance provides any clues.

That's what I eventually did. However, that is not how the company template is built (not by me) and I wanted things to work the way they do it. I'll get a query on QA in a day or two about it.

Thanks, @Bdmontag. I am glad to hear that you were able to work it out. Maybe explain to your QA person the way you used inheritance is a Lectora best practice that is more efficient, much easier to update in the future, and it helps keep the project size smaller--like using Master Pages in PowerPoint. Cuz you're just smart like that. B)

I might not understand exactly what you are trying to do - but are you placing the static background image and inheriting that to every page, or dropping a unique background image per page?

I want to do the former, but inherit is not coming up as an option in the images dropdown. So I am doing the latter, however, with the same image on each page, going through the motions of the image dropdown.