Audio Recording in Lectora

I am trying to record audio clips for selected pages in my Lectora Title. I am able to click on the record "New Audio button and follow all the steps as outlined in the Information Center. When I click on the record "New Audio" a box appears with a red record button. When I click the record button, a counter starts and it appears as though I am recording. When I click on the record button to stop the recording session, I get an option to Save or Discard the recording. After clicking "Save", an audio bar appears on my selected page. The problem is that when I try to play the audio it is not there. The counter is showing 00.00. The audio file is showing under the page and is present in the media folder. I have used this feature in the past without difficulty. I am using a USB microphone that is showing up in the Audio Record box under settings. Has anyone else experienced this? Can someone help me?


Discussion (1)

@lhinterweger2536 - Is this still happening for you?

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