Assigning scenarios: better interface?


At this point, I don't see a way to assign a scenario to users or groups, except by editing the scenario. That is, the "Published Packages" interface only exists to someone who has opened the course for editing.

Surely, there should be an "Available scenarios" option on the main CenarioVR screen, to allow an Administrator to assign a course (or better, multiple courses) to people or groups without having to open every one individually for editing first.

By the way, FYI: two of the four cameras on your "Recommended" list are no longer available. Might want to update that.

Discussion (3)

Hey Carl,

Assignment can be done in many ways. One, which you have seen, is after publishing, you can select the icon for assignment from the published packages popup that comes up. And that same published packages dialog can be accessed at any time after the content has been published by selecting the "three dot menu" in the upper left of the editor window and selecting "Published Packages" button. This shows you every type of publish you've done in the past.

That same "Published Packages" menu item can be accessed from the dashboard by selecting the three dot menu in the upper right of a scenario card that you get when you mouse over it.

Additionally, you can go to an individual user in the users tab, click on the three dot menu for the user, and select any scenario you wish to assign to them there. The same also applies to the groups area, you can edit a group and assign content to the group there as well. This is also where you can see what "Jane Doe" has assigned to her, just click on Jane Does user menu, and you will see her assignments.

So, lots of choices on how and where you can assign content to users and groups.


Addition: also, the only way to see who has a particular scenario assigned is also to edit that particular scenario. There is no way to find User Jane Doe in the user listing and find out what scenarios she was assigned, nor her status. Yes, I could use a separate analytics page, but that's friction that adds nothing. Why can't I click on the group "Cashiers" to find out what courses they're assigned?


EDIT: No, I can't. The Analytics page has sat at "Connecting" for the past five minutes. Latest Google Chrome browser.

Thanks, John,

As a former UX designer, I've always hated the "hide the options from the user" invisible-until-you-use-the-secret-technique menu concept. Menus by their nature are more useful when you can see them. A cardinal principle of GUI design is to encourage people to explore. Secret entrances don't do that.

Compare the "must do it one course at a time" system here to how a good LMS handles course assignments. You put users into categories, then assign a curriculum of multiple courses to that group of multiple users. This system does not permit me to do that.

Any word on why Analytics is still sitting on the Connecting screen?

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