Apple platforms in general: any successes/

Question for the CVR community in general: have you had success with iOS/iPadOS devices? In my tests, with both my own scenarios and the public ones from Trivantis/eLearning Brothers, none actually work on even a brand-new iPhone XR. Is there a setting or trick I can use to make CVR work on those platforms?


Discussion (10)

I think the issue here stems from iOS/iPadOS 13.4.1, which is a very buggy release in the area of Safari for VR. Safari also affects the CVR app, so the same results are seen there.

Upgrading to iOS 13.5, which recently came out, should fix the issues you are seeing.

As I mentioned to John in email, the problem is that for managed devices like mine, I can't just upgrade. I have to wait for corporate IT to decide the new upgrade is ready, which can take weeks or even months, especially with our IT team being overloaded with other matters now that every office worker is working from home.

Could also be tomorrow, of course.

Thanks, John

I'm happy to report that on the iPhone XR, the CenarioVR app works in IOS 13.5 (at least one scenario). It's laggy and jumpy, but it does function.

I'm going to try the Google Cardboard interface next, hopefully today.

This is also a video-based scenario. I want to try a 360 still one and see if it has better performance.

Thanks, John.

OK, the Public scenarios seem to work, even Sharks, which does have video. On the other hand, of my two published videos, one is jumpy and laggy, and one crashes the app back to the Home Screen on launch. I'll look at those again.

By the way, the Industriemuseum scenario does NOT work in Google Glass mode. The views from the two eyes, instead of converging, diverge by 40 degrees or so, which is weird. Also, the controls (play buttons, teleport buttons) are only shown in the right eye -- is that deliberate? John, I know you mentioned that older public scenarios may have been published before some bug fixes. Is that perhaps the case here?

After sending that, I realized that I had an unmanaged iPad available. (iPad 2 air again.)

And in 13.5, that gives me ... the upside-down jitterfest. John, I'm afraid it is in fact the app.

More reporting: if I downsample the video from 10 megabit to 3, it plays on the iPhone. It's even fairly responsive.

Problem: it looks like garbage on the Oculus headset.

For whatever reason, the iPadOS app works now. On this older iPad it isn't incredibly responsive, but mine is old enough that this may not be representative.

So, iPadOS 13.6 is available today. Since 13.4 was terrible for VR and 13.5 was OK ... has T/r/i/v/a/n/t/i/s/ eLearning Brothers tested 13.6?

Looks like 13.6 is OK as well. I believe Apple just had that issue with not adequately testing their 13.4.1 release. They did update it fairly quickly though.

Thank you, John. I do try to learn my lesson, and I figured you'd prefer a question in advance than a frantic complaint later if it was a bad version.

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