Another bug report: black bar on side of preview
August 19, 2020 12:00 AM
See attachment 1. When I have my Firefox (current) window maximized at 1920x1080 and enter Preview, the rectangle from top to bottom of the tab, which includes the Edit/Preview toggle control, goes black. If I restore the window, this doesn't happen, only when maximized. If I switch tabs, then switch back, the black vertical bar disappears and the preview fills the window as expected. If I restore the window, go to Preview, then maximize it, I get both horizontal and vertical black bars. (See attachment 2.) Again, switching tabs and switching back restores normal function.
Firefox bug? Some driver issue? In any case, it isn't a dealbreaking bug, just something I thought I'd mention.

Discussion (2)
Could be a Firefox issue, but I can't repeat it. Are you able to see the issue in Chrome?
John, no, I can't reproduce in Chrome (or Chromium, which is what I am actually using).
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