Actions executing in reverse order?
May 30, 2019 12:00 AM
Just updated to 18.1.2 - Context: building a test where after the test is graded and the user is taken back to their missed question via hyperlink:
I have a button that shows up if they have gotten through the test once before that will take them to their 'next missed question'. I have a series of actions that will 'go to question page 2 if question 2 not correct', 'go to question page 3 if question 3 not correct', etc.
Instead of executing those actions in the order they are listed on the button, they appear to be executing in reverse order. (I built a similar test in the previous version, and everything worked fine, and I opened it up in 18.1.2, and it still worked fine).
I'm assuming it is a bug in the new software version, but thought I'd post to see if anyone else has noticed this based on the new version, or possibly some other logical reason for it...
Discussion (7)
Hi Adam, would it be possible to get your title? (even just a stripped down title with just the test) It could save us some time in recreating your issue and making any needed fix.
Sure - I changed the 1st question page back to the correct order of execution (go to 1,2,3,4, etc.), but left the other pages how it was working correctly in reverse order (go to 16, 15, 14, etc.).
The actions are on the button called 'next missed'.
Hi Adam, we went through your title with v18.0.2 and v18.1.2. It looks to us that when the "Next missed question" button is selected it just runs the actions in the order they are listed and then stop on the last action to fire, which would be the last incorrect question.
I added an action in the middle of the q2 .. q16 actions to set a variable as a test, and an action on the page with question 16 to display the variable. It is being set correctly, so the actions are all executing but there is nothing to make it stop on that page.
I went over this with our developer, and we think having the actions reversed (like you have starting with question 2's button) is probably what you should do.
Thanks for checking - I can't image that is the correct resolution though. If you build the same thing using 18.0.2 it works fine. (maybe different if you are running something in 18.0.2, that was built in 18.1.2?
Attached is the same setup, but built in 18.0.2 that executes the actions in the correct order from top to bottom.
If the variable is being set correctly, then perhaps there is an issue with the logic registering the 'go to page' actions. perhaps those are the only type of actions being skipped vs running in reverse order? (It is the same exact action to 'go to page 16 if the question is wrong', as it is for all subsequent pages. So if as you say that "the actions are all executing but there is nothing to make it stop on that page", then the same logic should apply, and not make it stop on the page with q16?
Perhaps there is something else I'm missing entirely...
Thanks for the new title. I have 18.0.2 and 18.1.2 installed, I am now seeing what you have described. The actions aren't firing in reverse order, but I do see the 18.0.2 stopping when it reaches the next page instead of continuing running all of the actions.
I'll look into this today
Hey Adam, in your title from v18.1.2 in the conditions for the q3 - q16 actions, you are missing all of the checks on variables that have Is Correct. I am attaching a screen shot with the conditions from v18.0.2 on the left and v18.1.2 on the right. When I added the "Is Correct" conditions my v18.1.2 title behaved as it should.

Thank you for figuring out the difference Tea!
So I guess they are both operating the same - and no difference between the functionality of versions.
Still is strange from my perspective why it wouldn't work without the additional conditions, but I'm certainly ok with the current status.
I would assume if the order of actions is: (1. go to page one if question one wrong | 2. go to page two if question 2 wrong | 3. go to page three if question 3 wrong) that it would execute in that order. i.e. if question one is wrong, and that action is first in line, it should be executed first, and go to page 1. It also is strange to me why listing the actions in the reverse order actually makes it work without the additional conditions. But again, I'm good with the solution - thanks again for checking it out.
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