Action Pane: Bug report: no action pane in 19.0.2
August 7, 2020 12:00 AM
See attachment. The action pane flickers and vanishes again.
Discussion (9)
I can't tell for sure because the video doesn't show the very bottom of the Lectora window, but it seems like you've positioned the top of the Action Pane to its lowest point. At its lowest point, the only thing visible is the 5 pixel top border of the pane. You can tell the Action Pane is "visible" in your video because when you click on the action in the Title Explorer, the Action Pane button on the ribbon is already highlighted. Then when you click the Action Pane button (to hide the pane), the top of the page view drops by about 5 pixels because the Action Pane was hidden. Then when you click the Action Pane button again (to show the pane), the top of the page view goes up by about 5 pixels and you get the flash because the Action Pane was shown. My title reacts exactly the same when I do this. If this is the case with your title then you just have to reposition the top of the Action Pane by grabbing it and dragging it up.
Eric, afraid not. The contents of the main window do shift vertically when the nonexistent Action Pane is turned on and off, but there is no place to grab anything. In any case, why would eLearning Brothers put the Action Pane in a nearly invisible position by default?
I'll do one better. Attached are images with the Action Pane theoretically both on and off.

Can you post a picture of the bottom of the Lectora window when the contents of the main window have shifted up?
OK, the Action Pane is actually behind the Timeline Pane so we need to shrink the Timeline Pane in order to get to the Action Pane. Unfortunately it seems like when resizing the Action Pane by grabbing the top border, you can drag it below the top of the Timeline Pane. That means the Action Pane won't be visible when it's shown. Try to grab the top border of the Timeline Pane (you won't get a resize cursor) and drag it all the way to the bottom. Hopefully the top border of the Action Pane will now be visible (look for the resize cursor as you move the mouse) and you should be able to grab it and move it up as needed. If the Timeline Pane disappears on you then restarting Lectora should make it visible again.
I dragged the Timeline Pane to the bottom, but the Action Pane still doesn't exist. 19.1, maybe?
It works fine in 18, by the way. Since 19 also doesn't work right with videos, I have had to revert in any case.
Yes it's bug. I'm trying to get you around that bug. Reset Layout (if that's what you mean by Reset Window) will not help and restarting Lectora will not restore the Action Pane either (just the Timeline Pane). You have to shrink the Timeline Pane to get to the Action Pane in order to resize it.
Eric, I have restarted Lectora multiple times and used "Reset Window" and there is still no Action Pane. It's a bug.
Well I was afraid to mention it but when minimizing the Timeline Pane (dragging the top border down as far as you can), it can behave differently. Sometimes you can't get the top border to go below the white area directly above the blue toolbar at the bottom (see attached screenshot timeline-pane-min-1.png). This is correct behavior in that the border stays visible and you can still grab it. Other times the you CAN get the top border to go below the white area (timeline-pane-min-2.png). This is obviously incorrect behavior because the border is now hidden until Lectora is either resized or restarted. With this in mind, you have to try to minimize the Timeline Pane until in incorrectly minimizes in order to see the top border of the Action Pane (assuming it was fully minimized), otherwise the Timeline Pane's top border is right on top of the Action Pane's top border. So I can't really tell you when it will correctly or incorrectly minimize, but if you try immediately after restarting Lectora that seems to work for me. Good luck. We are working on a fix.

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