a popup, a popup, my kingdom for a popup

First, check out my Tips and Tricks Repository posting with several kinds of popups that you may be missing that are non-JavaScript -- particularly a simple Display box and a GoTo another page in a new window with its own content. This last one you can position where you want and size how you want. I use this kind all the time for mouse-overs on diagrams where all the text is in separate blocks on a separate page from the diagram. http://community.trivantis.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=2083&PN=1Also, sounds like you have the user clicking all over the place -- that's work for them. How about mouse-overs instead that show the tip and then the tip disappears when the mouse moves off the hot spot (could be a button or any image you want)?There is no search / index feature that comes with Lectora that I am aware of. Might come with the LMS.If you have Lectora 2006, its buttons are editable!! I would suggest that as an easy to make changeable text in the buttons. You can also create buttons from a text block and give it a raised border of 2-3px and attach either on click actions. Unfortunately, text blocks to do not support mouse-over -- you need to use a real graphic for that.Lectora 2006 allows you to easily group items to hide and reveal as a group. If you do not have 2006, post here and I can give you a workaround for 2005.The biggest question I have is where is the button that shows the tip in the first place? In any case, once you get all these things nailed down, be sure to take advantage of the Lectora library to store them in. Just select all the objects you want and then right click and select Save to Library. All the elements are saved - button, text box, background, ...)cheers, ben

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