A manual? A walkthrough?

So I'm old school, OK? My first computer ran CP/M. My first programming language was FORTRAN IV.

There are certain things I'm used to having when I learn a new piece of software. One of them is a manual. I was astonished to start my CenarioVR trial today and discover that there isn't one, at least not easily findable. There's just a quick start guide.

And you couldn't use your bundled software to record someone creating a simple scenario? Basic tutorials are pretty standard in 2020, aren't they? And you have a deal with Camtasia?

It's ... disappointing. Your "Resources" menu actually includes no resources on how to develop in CenarioVR, just generic resources about VR training and a link to your blog.

Discussion (2)

I found tutorials on your YouTube channel, but really, make locating them easier.

We do have a good number of resources available, try starting here:


This is where the "Creating a simple scenario" video walkthrough is available:


Many of the help videos are all linked though the "?" menu, but you can also look in the CenarioVR YouTube channel for help as well:



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