WCAG 2.0 testing?

So, I'll be the first to admit that I have become a bit lax in thorough testing of our Lectora-developed courses. I am so familiar with how things need to line up in the Title Explorer and what other elements need to be there (e.g., skip nav, deselecting Always on Top, etc.) that I don't normally do much more than publish in HTML, tab through, and use the Windows screen reader to test keyboard nav and reading order.

I'd like to know what you all are using to test your Lectora courses for accessibility. Do you use JAWS or some other product? Send it off to a Trusted Tester vendor?

Thanks! Karen

Discussion (1)

Hi Karen,

At e-Learning Designs we use NVDA and subcontract with experienced testers. It does seem like once you have your 'tried-and-true' elements in place it would reduce the need for testing. I'm hoping that once the updates to Lectora are implemented, it will ease the testing process even further. I suppose that (at minimum) a periodic test would be recommended to ensure nothing got broken.

As we move forward, I suspect we can explore this further in the group.


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