Version of Title for SME Review

Here's how we do it:

We use to print pages for review. That destoyed a whole lotta now we place an html version on our lms. We set up an email tool hyperlinkl link within Lectora. The reviewer is given a link at which they can review the course. On each page that the reviewer would like changes, the reviewer clicks the 'email comment' hyperlink and it opens an Outlook email window that:

- the recipient field is prepopulated with the developer/project manager email address dependant upon who is reviewing the material- is pre-populated with the subject which is the title of the course- the body starts with the chapter, section, and page name prepopulated

Underneath that the review then types in their change/edit/question. Because it is an email they can also send images or other files that they want included.

This is extensive but it works great and is easily replicated once it is set up the first time.

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