Using Variables

I have a basic question, which may make me seem a bit dumb, but I don’t mind looking dumb if I can learn something and I’m sure that there are others like me. We read a lot on this board about Variables and there seems to be a number of people with this knowledge. How do I learn more about applying these, what can be done and what works within Lectora?I have just successfully deployed four courses using Lectora via a LMS and managed to squeak through without this knowledge plus trial and error – I even created a variable but don’t really know what I was doing. I have some breathing space now and want to work on this area of my knowledge. My background is instructional design, usability, classroom facilitation, etc. I have delivered a lot of work previously online, but was working in made-to-measure environments (applications built specifically for the client) with a full technical team to support. So I only needed just enough technical knowledge. In my current role I’m on my own.Any help, such as web links, book references, etc would be appreciated. I have done a number of web searches but I am getting confused about how to apply what I am finding to Lectora.RegardsRon

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