True/False Questions Not Processing

I am working in the NewStone template and modifying the template colors/fonts etc. Right now, I'm creating a quiz question where the answer choice is truly just a T/F radio button, but the template I'm working from has an overlay of a clickable button/background and when you click on it - it theoretically runs some javascript that makes the radio button 'checked' and the program able to process the question. Unfortunately - it doesn't work. But, if I remove the button overlay and javascript, and manually click the radio button itself, it is able to process the question. Any ideas on how to fix it?

Discussion (3)

Hi Olivia, This is an old legacy template. We have a new build that is coming out soon. I think Josh can get you the new version (which fixed this issue). Please email him at Thanks!

Thank you so much!

I encountered the same problem. I'll check this new version and see if it will work. Thanks for the tip!